What a wonderful material from EnvisionTEC. Manufacturing precision is top notch. However, after the start of the CBO, EnvisionTEC stopped direct supplies of consumables to Russia. There are printers, but no materials. Of course, no one canceled parallel import, but let's see how this will affect the cost of printing.

Materials and equipment are gone, but the orders remain. We still receive requests for the manufacture of products from EnvisionTEC consumables. But since we have nothing to offer, we are looking for alternatives from Russian and Chinese material manufacturers. And we find!

Envisiontec is recognized as a world leader in the development and production of equipment for rapid 3D model growth from various types of photopolymers. But this does not mean exclusivity and irreplaceability. 

Therefore, at the moment the biggest problem is to rebuild supply chains to work with new suppliers. In the near future, we and other 3D printing studios will solve this problem. The void will fill quickly. Dear customers, these are temporary difficulties. Thanks for understanding.