It all starts with the family! This is what I decided to call this post. While the post is not entirely about family, it will be about education. Technical education! About getting a "crust" of a higher educational institution of a technical university. To understand my idea, I'll start with the economic situation in the camp: prices are growing, the dollar rate is also rising, the average salary of a technician is 35000 rubles, the average salary of a specialist is 60000 rubles. AND THIS IS GOOD! Why? Because now it is profitable to open production in Russia! ? Think for yourself. In Russia, the average salary of an engineer in terms of dollars is already lower than in China! This means that in Russia the time has come for large financial investments in production due to cheap labor. We do it cheaply in Russia, we sell it dearly all over the world! I think they got the point. Now we return to our rams. Technical education. What should it be in the context of a high rate of industrial development in the country? ? Correctly, high quality! ? Those who really want to earn money should understand the importance of having a diploma from a good university or technical school. However, the time has come when it is important not only to have this diploma, but also to the real quality of specialist training. And now give me an answer to the question: how to get a quality education if the conditions for this are not created? Scholarships, consider it, no, there is no free grub, wherever you spit, you have to pay for everything. Students are going to work! Of course, there are those who sit on the mother's neck, but I'm not talking about them now, I'm talking about normal guys. Of course, some are lucky, and they find jobs that can be combined with studies. But, as a rule, this is not something serious and there are fewer such unique ones. What about the majority. People work and forget to study. Somehow they close the sessions and with an empty ready they simply run away from the university. Do you know why this happens. Because in most families, after the Soviet mentality, there is a clear program for educating children, School -> University. How often do I hear the phrase. Without a diploma, you are nothing. And the parents do not at all understand that it is no longer the USSR and with this approach they either put their child on their neck, or he will not receive a high-quality education! I do not want to impose anything on anyone, but I will tell you how I will advise my son to act.

  1. Entering the School at the age of 6. Better at 5! So that life does not seem like honey!
  2. Hard work after school! Work to find yourself and receive capital to sponsor your studies at the university. And while it has not earned, it’s not easy to go to the university at all! In the meantime, you can drive into the army, if very tight. On average, it will take 5-6 years. And only then ...
  3. Admission to the University!

Why is this approach good? First, the student already clearly knows where to go. I have already found myself! Secondly, the student does not sleep at the lecture, not understanding why he is being told this and sleeping off the night work shift so that there is something to eat between lectures. He will shake the soul out of the teacher. Squeeze all the juices out of it! Because after working, he already knows his weaknesses, he knows what and how to teach! Thirdly, the university is a great time to experiment for your own purposes. Imagine, you can use laboratories and such a technological base for free! And just think, but would you use it if you had one thought in your head, where to get food ??? Yes, 95% of students do not even know about the presence of such research centers in their university! It is a fact.

And this should be laid in the family with mother's milk! Remember one thing. Nowhere, no one, will ever teach you how to manage money. Not a single course in economics, not a single subject in finance! Those who really know how to do this will never tell you! And if you think that you will get a crust and after leaving the institute you will earn millions, then you are mistaken. You must first learn how to earn, and only then get an education in order to earn even more !!! And get out of your head: "how is it, all children act, but mine does not." Do not level up at all!