How is it? Have you watched the video? When I found out about this car, the first thing that popped up in my head: “He will overtake the competitors in the literal sense of the word!”. Therefore, I decided to write a separate note about him.

Fact number 1: The size of the working chamber, which is striking - 430x320x200 mm

Fact number 2: Print speed! 50 times faster than traditional technology.

Fact number 3: Price. 400000 bucks. Compare for example with SLM Solution.

Why did it happen? This question can be answered only when you understand the principle of operation and operation of this machine. On the one hand, it's brilliant, but on the other, it's simple.

As in traditional SLM technology, the printer evens out the layer of metal powder. But then he does not burn a thin layer with a laser, but instills it with a special liquid, which he cures with UV radiation. That is, the part is seized. Grains of powder will not escape anywhere. Well, the third step is that everything needs to be caked. And the printer burns point-by-point with special LEDs! So what??? And the fact that such a process allows you to speed up the process of 50D printing by 3 times.

Fact number 4: He's really handsome!

The fourth fact did not appear out of thin air. And the moment I saw him at FormNext 2019! How much I read, how much I watched the video. But when I saw him at the exhibition, he said in a voice: “Wow!”. Despite the fact that there was very little time to see the whole exhibition, I spent the most with this printer! See for yourself. You understand? It's about a metal 3D printer!

Do I think this 3D printer is the best metal XNUMXD printer? No. ArCAM is still my favorite. But he will definitely kick many asses!

It is worth mentioning other successes of the company in the field of 3D printing, for example, 3D printing with polyamide in color.

Just look what he can do.

So I stood near this stand and thought: "And why didn't anyone guess before?"

The bottom line: HP, thank you very much for the fact that you never cease to amaze on the one hand with simple, and on the other hand with such ingenious technologies!