Scientists from the USA have taught ordinary routers to “see” and analyze user actions. A discovery that could greatly affect the privacy and security of online interactions has been made by a team of researchers. They developed a method that allows ordinary routers to analyze gestures and air movements caused by the actions of people near the device.

The bottom line of the study is that even ordinary home routers, which are usually used to distribute Wi-Fi, can be used to monitor the environment and detect people's actions. Scientists have used this ability of routers to analyze the minute changes in airflow that occur when human hands move. These changes are captured and interpreted as gestures.

This analysis technique can have a variety of applications. Air tracking allows you to detect even the smallest gestures, such as waving your hand or finger. This can be used at home to control smart devices or in a business environment to develop new ways to interact with technology.

However, there are also questions about the privacy and security of such technology. Since the ability to monitor human movements indoors can become a threat to personal information. Although the researchers focus on the fact that this technique requires special settings. In addition, it is not intended for mass use without the consent of users.

So far, this study is only a technical concept, but it demonstrates the potential for transforming ordinary routers into more “smart” devices that can analyze the surrounding space and respond to human actions.